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Year 6 - Leopards

Welcome to Year 6 Leopards!

Our teacher is Mrs Curran.

Mrs Carter teaches us each Monday and helps us every day.

Ms Stafford teaches us on Thursday afternoons.

Meet the Year 6 Leopards

Useful Information

Our PE day is Fridays.

Times Tables Tests are on Mondays.

Spelling Tests are on Thursdays.

Homework is given out on Thursdays and is due in the following Tuesday.

Please ensure your child reads 3 times a week and that this is recorded in their diary. 

Class News


Thank you all for coming to the leaver's assembly and for the lovely cards and gifts. I have attached the photos from the slide show below for you all. Have a super summer! Mrs Curran xx


Scarborough 2018

Sandcastle building and rides

Fun on the beach

On Thursday 5th July the whole school enjoyed an amazing WOW Basketball day with the world's tallest basketball player!                            We had a brilliant day, have a look at our photos below:
On Thursday 6th June we were really lucky to spend the afternoon with Becca and her husband Bob taking part in a RE workshop called - Diary of a Disciple. We took part in quizzes, read stories, answered puzzles and questions, produced a cartoon strip and took part in drama. A huge thank you to Becca and Bob for organising such a fun afternoon. 

On Thursday 24th May, we enjoyed a brilliant day at Alton Towers.            We were lucky to have amazing, hot weather to add to our fun day. 

A HUGE thank you to Mrs Hill, Mr Smith, Miss Lebeter, Mrs Boulton and Mrs Heathcote for all their help on the day. Look at our photos below:         

To celebrate the end of the SATs week on Thursday 17th May we had a treat from McDonald's and spent some time on Dalestorth Park - Perfect!

On Tuesday 8th May 2018 we held our latest class council meeting, below are our minutes:


1. Any issues arising as a class?

Keeping our small whiteboards clean for the next person to use.

More independent reading in class please. More art after SATs please. Slippers in class.


2. Any issues that we would like school council to discuss/sort out?

School lunches – a choice each day. New OHP for assembly. 

An after school club for all ages year 1 à 6. Mixed class school trips. 

An Astroturf football pitch. Bring back area band.


3. Any messages/jobs that school council would like us to do?

Wilbur penguin raffle coming soon. Wednesdays sausage cob at breakfast club. 

Are we doing anything for the Royal wedding? Can we use the shed at play and lunchtimes?


4. What events are coming up for us to look forward to?

New playground equipment coming soon. Stage opening soon. 

Alton Towers. McDonalds and park – after SATs. End of year 6 treat – we need to decide!


On Wednesday 21st March we had a class council meeting, our minutes are below:


1. Any issues arising as a class?

Equipment issues - bending pen lids, glue stick issues, snapping rubbers, fan in the summer, tidying play cupboard, slippers in class – ask Ms Stafford.


2. Any issues that we would like school council to discuss/sort out?                                                      School dog, mirrors in the boys’ toilets, air hockey table, trim trail rota, pillow for chairs – comfort.


3. Any messages/jobs that school council would like us to do?                                                                 More suggestions in the school council box, Easter raffle tickets on sale – 20p.


4. What is happening in the rest of the world?  Sports Relief all week


5. What events are coming up for us to look forward to? Sports Relief this Friday, £1 donation – sports clothes, whole school walk, buy slush – 50p after walk. Easter disco, next Thursday break up for Easter holidays.

After a snow delay we had an amazing World Book day!                              Have a look at our fantastic costumes:

On Friday 15th December 2017 we had our World War 2 Day - thank you for all the amazing costumes and projects. We had lots of fun on the day:  making bomb shelters; making cheese rolls; sharing our projects; taking part in an army drill; as well as eating our rolls with tomato soup, hot chocolate and marshmallows!

A huge thank you to Mrs Carter, Mrs Kelly and Mr Hughes for all their help on the day, have a look at our photos below:

On Friday 1st December 2017 we visited The National Holocaust Centre in Laxton. We had a truly amazing day: following Leo's journey in the morning and having the opportunity to listen to Ruth Barnett's survivor's story during the afternoon. Have a look at our photos below:

During DT week Year 6 made their own device covers out of felt.

I was so impressed with their efforts, patience and sewing skills. 

Well done Leopards! Have a look at our photos below:

On Wednesday 18th October year 6 took part in a RSPB workshop. 

We explored the school grounds, looking for nature habitats for animals and creatures. We used our map reading skills as well as our maths skills to calculate our very large point totals! Have a look at our photos:

A huge thank you to all of you who purchased one of our enterprise crumbles, we won! We are saving our profits towards an end of year trip.

Massive thanks to Mrs Edgar, Mr Smith and Mrs Bourn for all your help making the crumbles. Have a look at our photos below:

On Wednesday 11th October Year 6 had a fantastic trip to Eyam with the Year 5s. The children were exceptionally well behaved throughout the day in which we visited: Eyam Museum, Eyam Church, the Plague Cottages, the Boundary Stone and the Riley Graves. Have a look at our photos below:
On Wednesday 6th September we had lots of fun watching the exciting 'Tour of Britain' cycling race. On Friday 8th September we took part in the school's 'Keeping Healthy Day' where we made healthy pizzas, which were delicious! A big thank you to Mrs Carter and Mr Smith for helping us make them. Check out our photos below:

Tour of Britain Cycling

Our topics this year will be:


Autumn Term

Autumn 1 – Fever, Fire and Fashion – History focusing on The Plague

Autumn 2 – Battle of Britain – History focusing on World War 2


Spring Term

Spring 1 – Poles Apart – Geography and Science focus on friction/forces

Spring 2 – Who’s Taking Control? Robots – Science focus on electricity


Summer Term

Summer 1 – Our Commonwealth (British Empire) – Geography focus

Summer 2 – Voyage of Discovery – Science focus on Darwin, Adaption and selection


Class Letters
Useful Websites