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Year 3 - Wildcats

Learning Projects 


Below you will find weekly learning projects which will provide you with a range of learning activities for the week ahead. 


Don't forget to upload the set piece of work on to seesaw for me to see as well as complete the tasks from Purple Mash.

Week 2 (W/C 27th April)

Seesaw Support 

We are using Seesaw, which is a secure online digital learning platform, to accompany our new home learning projects which will be available each Monday. 


Below are video guides to show you: how to set up an account; how to upload work to Seesaw and how to comment on a child's piece of work. There is also a written guide below. 

How to set up a Seesaw account

Still image for this video

How to upload work to Seesaw

Still image for this video

How to comment on a child's piece of work

Still image for this video

Useful Websites For Home Learning

w/c 30.3.2020


We hope you're all ok and enjoying some extra family time. We're missing you! Here are some new websites to explore this week together. Stay safe and look after each other x

w/c 23.3.2020

Welcome to Year 3 Wildcats 2019-2020!

We are a busy, fun-loving class of 31 children. 

Mrs Plumb is our teacher. Mrs Rigby teaches us on a Wednesday.

Teaching Assistants and students work with groups during the week.


Useful Information

Our PE day is Monday - please make sure children have their indoor and outdoor kits in school so we look the part whatever the weather! It is easier to leave kits in school all week so that we are always prepared. PE kits should be in school colours (blue, white or black) and should include a t-shirt, shorts, joggers, a jacket, trainers and plimsolls. 

School swimming is on a Wednesday - on this day, children will need their swimming costume and towel.

Homework will be given out on a Wednesday and is due back the following Monday. Children will be rewarded with stamps on their reward charts for being 'on time' handing in their homework every week for a full half term.

Spelling tests will take place on Mondays and new spelling lists will also be given out on Mondays. Please encourage your children to learn the words from their weekly lists - these can be found in the 'Spelling Lists' section of the children's blue diaries. 

Times tables tests will take place on Fridays. Children must achieve full marks on their times tables tests for two consecutive weeks to pass a table. There are 24 questions on each test (multiplications and divisions) and the children are given 4 minutes to complete it. The order for times tables tests is: 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s, 9s, 11s, 12s. By the end of Year 3, children should have secured up to and including their 8x tables to achieve the national expectation. 

Reading is a priority at Dalestorth. If your child reads a minimum of three times per week and this is evidenced in their blue diaries and signed by a parent, your child will receive a raffle ticket for the weekly reading raffle during Praise Assembly.

Our topic for the Summer term is ''How Would You Express Yourself?", with a focus on the arts, music and science.


What we have been up to...

Children In Need


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