These are the 10 people who make up the Governing Body of Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School. They are current parents, a representative of the local authority, co-opted members and school staff. For more information or to contact a Governor contact the school office.
Governors also have responsibility for SEND, Looked after children (LAC), Discipline, Bullying & Behaviour, Equal Opportunities, Staff Appraisal, Health & Safety and a whole lot more. It is a demanding, but interesting role. If you would like to know more about it, or would like to come and observe a meeting, just let one of our governors know and we would be happy to accommodate you.
Mrs. Jo Wain — Chair of Governors
Governor Category: Chair of Governors
Appointed By: The Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 18.10.2011
Current term of office: 03.03.2022 — 31.03.2025
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development and Finance, General Purposes and Personnnel
Area Link: SEND, MFL and Safeguarding.
Vice Chair of Governors - Mr. Jeremy Czarnocki — Co-opted Governor
Governor Category: Co-opted Governor and Vice Chair
Appointed By: Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 01.04.2021
Current term of office: 10.02.2021 - 09.02.2025
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Finance, General Purposes and Personnnel (Chair)
Area Link: Geography and History
Mr. Craig Robertson — Head Teacher
Governor Category: Headteacher
Appointed By: The Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 01.09.2020
Current term of office: N/A
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committees: Pupils and Strategic Development and Finance, General Purposes and Personnnel
Area Link: All
Mr. Rob Barsby — Local Authority Governor
Governor Category: Local Authority
Appointed By: The Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 2nd November 2016
Current term of office: 02.11.2020 - 01.11.2024
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development (Chair)
Area Link: Science and SMSC
Mrs. Tracey Scott — Co-opted Governor
Governor Category: Co-opted
Appointed By: The Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 01.01.2015
Current term of office: 01.01.2019 — 31.12.2026
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development
Area Link: Art and Phonics
Mrs Leanne Aram — Co-opted Governor
Governor Category: Parent
Appointed By: Parents
Date joined Governing Body: 30.03.2022
Current term of office: 30.03.2022 - 30.03.2026
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Finance, General Purposes and Personnnel
Area Link: Music and EAL
Mr. Christopher Cudworth — Parent Governor
Governor Category: Parent
Appointed By: Parents
Date joined Governing Body: 14.05.2021
Current term of office: 14.05.2021 - 13.05.2025
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development
Link Subjects: DT and English — reading
Mr. Joseph Lamb — Staff Governor
Governor Category: Staff Governor
Appointed By: Staff
Date joined Governing Body: 25.10.2018
Current term of office: 24.10.2022 — 24.10.2026
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development
Area Link: Writing, Computing and Governor training co-ordinator.
Mr. Matthew West — Co-opted Governor
Governor Category: Co-opted governor
Appointed By: The Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 29.03.2018
Current term of office: 29.03.2023 — 28.03.2027
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development
Area Link: Computing and PE
Mr. Adam Spate — Co-opted Governor
Governor Category: Co-opted governor
Appointed By: The Governing Body
Date joined Governing Body: 12.07.2023
Current term of office: 12.07.2023 — 11.07.2027
Register of business and financial interests: None
Committee: Pupils and Strategic Development
Area Link: Maths and RE
Clerk to the Governing Body is Colin Sawers
Our Deputy Head Teacher (Heather Claxton) is also currently in attendance as an Associate member (with no voting rights) for most of the matters discussed by both committees and the Full Governing Body.