Home Page

Year 3 - Emmeline Pankhurst

Welcome to 

Pankhurst Class 2023-24!

We are really looking forward to the year ahead! On our class webpage you will be able to find specific information about our class, such as timetables, topics, copies of letters and pictures of us having fun and doing super learning. 



Our class is named after someone very special and influential who demonstrated lots of positive values. Emmeline Pankhurst was a leader of the women's rights movement during the late 1800s and early 1900s in England. She worked for 40 years to achieve equal voting rights for women and men. 


Meet The Team


Our teachers are Mrs Plumb and Mrs Stonham.

Mrs Plumb teaches the class on Monday and Tuesday mornings.

Mrs Baines teaches the class on Monday and Tuesday afternoons.

Mrs Stonham teaches the class on Wednesday mornings, Thursday and Fridays.

Mrs Holmes teaches the class on a Wednesday afternoon.

Mrs Bennett and Mrs Vincent support individuals or small groups throughout the week.

Mrs Baines does interventions in Pankhurst on a Wednesday afternoon. 

Useful Information


Our Summer term topic is ‘What Kind Of Artist Are You?'. This topic is art based.


PE is on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Please send your child to school in their outdoor PE kits on their PE days. PE kits should be blue or black and clothing should be plain, without branded logos. 


Homework will be sent out each Thursday and should be completed and returned by the following Tuesday. We will alternate sending English and Maths homework each week and it will support the work we have been doing in school that week. The children will be rewarded with a stamp and dojo points if they return their homework on time each week over the half term. 


Spelling tests will also take place on Wednesdays. Please encourage your child to practice their new spellings, which will be in their blue diaries. Please also ensure that you listen to your child read at home regularly, encouraging them to try a wide range of books. Children will receive a reward stamp each week if they have read at least three times at home, but this must be recorded and signed by an adult from home.


Times table tests will also take place on Wednesdays. Please support your child's mathematics at home by helping them to learn their times tables and inverse divisions. Children need to get full marks for two consecutive weeks to pass a table and move on to the next one. The order to learn is x10, x2, x5, x3, x4, x8 (these tables should all be secured by the end of Year 3 in order to reach National Expectations). 


Please ask if there's anything else you would like to know!

Pankurst Class 2023 - 2024

Would you rather be an ancient Egyptian or a Greek launch week?

Sky Arts Week - Exploring 3D Art

Autumn Term Knowledge Organiser


Useful Websites
