Home Page

Year 4 - Cougars

Learning Projects 


Below you will find weekly learning projects which will provide you with a range of learning activities for the week ahead. 


Don't forget to upload the set piece of work on to seesaw for me to see as well as complete the tasks from Purple Mash.

Week 8 (W/C 15th June)

Seesaw Support 

We are using Seesaw, which is a secure online digital learning platform, to accompany our new home learning projects which will be available each Monday. 


Below are video guides to show you: how to set up an account; how to upload work to Seesaw and how to comment on a child's piece of work. There is also a written guide below. 

How to set up a Seesaw account

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How to upload work to Seesaw

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How to comment on a child's piece of work

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Useful Websites For Home Learning

W/c 30.3.2020


We hope you're all ok and enjoying some extra family time. We're missing you! Here are some new websites to explore this week together. Stay safe and look after each other x

w/c 23.3.2020

Welcome to Cougar Class

2019 - 2020



Important information


Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays. This term (Autumn) we will be going swimming every Wednesday. Please make sure your child has their indoor and outdoor kits in school, so we can do PE whatever the weather. It is easier to leave PE kits in a school all term, so we are always prepared. PE kits should be in school colours (blue, white or black) and it should include a t-shirt, joggers, a jacket, socks, trainers and plimsolls. 


Homework is given out on a Wednesday and it is due in the following Monday. If your child brings in their homework on time for a whole half term, they will receive a reward stamp. If your child is struggling with their homework, then please let me know and I will support them. 


Spelling tests will take place on Mondays and new spellings will be given out on Mondays too. Please encourage your child to learn the words from their weekly lists, which can be found in the 'spelling lists' section of their blue diaries. 


Please ensure your child reads at least three times a week and that it is recorded and signed in their blue diaries. You need to sign in the 'reading record' part of your child's blue diary. If your child reads three times a week, they will get a raffle ticket which are picked out of a box during Friday's praise assembly. If your child is not enjoying their book, then please encourage them to change it. 


Times table tests will take place on Wednesdays. Your child should get their score the following day. Your child will need to get full marks on two consecutive occasions in order to gain their specific times table award. 


Please encourage your child to use the fantastic resources on Purple Mash. Their login details are in the front on their blue school diary. 


Each week, a child from the class will take our class art book home . They need to add a piece of art  to the book. What they decide to add to the art book is entirely up to them, so they can be as creative as they like! 


Our topic this term will be:

  • Why is our Word in Danger? 

Class News


Watch this space for the latest news and photos ...

UK Parliament Lesson (British Values)

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Holi Afternoon

World Book Day

Times Table Rock Star Day

VR Day

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VR Topic Launch

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VR Day

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VR Day

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VR Day

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VR Day

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VR Topic Launch

Year 3 and 4 Christmas Party

Perimeter Outdoors


Be Internet Legends

Class Council


Multiplication Check DfE Information for Parents
