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FS2 - Reception - Lions

Welcome to FS2 Lions!

Lion Class 2020-21

In Lion Class our teacher is Miss Jesson and our teaching assistants are Mrs Smith and Mrs Vilums. Mrs Smith will teach us on Wednesday mornings and Mrs Bailey, Mrs Howe, Mrs Hickman, Mrs Dwyer and Mrs Brace will help us in school each week too.

Meet our FS2 Team...

Useful Information...

Our topics this year will be:


Autumn Term – History Focus

What Makes Me Unique?

Autumn 1 - Local Environments

Autumn 2 - Places Around the World


Spring Term – Geography Focus

How Do We Grow?

Spring 1 - People Who Help Us

Spring 2 - Lifecycles


Summer Term – Art Focus

Who Lives in a Land Far Far Away?

Summer 1 - Food

Summer 2 - Far Far Away

Each term, you will receive a newsletter telling you more information about each topic as well as brand new Knowledge Mats! These provide you with ‘Subject Specific Vocabulary’ and ‘Sticky Knowledge’ that your child will be learning throughout the topic.


For more information about our topics please follow this link:

What can you do to help your child in FS2?                                                                                              

  • Let us know about any changes in circumstances at home that might impact on school. Talk to us if you have any worries or concerns – write us a note, give the school office a ring or email the school office.
  • Read to them and read with them! Reading and retelling a story are important skills to develop in FS2 and the more often you can look at books together and hear your child read, the quicker they will become successful, independent readers. Please write in your child’s reading diary when they have read to you as they will be rewarded for this with a raffle ticket (for 3 or more reads at home) and a chance to win a book, each week.
  • Please continue to help your child learn the sounds and keywords in their plastic packet. You could ask them to put them into sentences to help remember them, make another set and play matching pairs or look carefully at the shape of the letters/words to help them recognise them as you call each one out.
  • Use the Oxford Owl website to help your child with their reading (see link below in useful websites section). Please enjoy this wonderful website – a free eBooks collection. Log in – top right and then our class login is: Username: dale lions      Password: lions
  • Count! Count in 1s, in 2s, in 5s and in 10s; up the stairs, steps along the street, apples into the bag, pennies in the purse etc.
  • Use Purple Mash — Purple Mash has a vast array of resources that you and your child can access for free! Use the link below in useful websites section and enter your child’s username and login which is located in your child’s diary.
  • Come and help us – we always welcome parents to help us…listen to readers, help with baking, sewing etc.
  • Make sure that all of your child’s clothing is named. This is such a big help to us - it’s very hard for us to find the owner of a blue cardigan/jumper when it has no name.
  • Keep inhalers up to date if your child needs one.  
  • Look out for headlice and keep long hair tied back. 
  • Make sure your child is rested and goes to bed at a sensible time.
  • Check your child's book bag, their class page and the school website regularly for letters sent home and access to more learning links.

Class News...

We had a great time doing some STOMP dancing too! We even performed on the stage and to the rest of school!


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In March, we took part in the UK’s National Day of Reflection to think about the events of the past year and hope for a brighter future. We all tied a ribbon to the school fence to mark the day and joined the rest of school on the field for a minutes silence at 12pm. After the silence, we joined in with a whole school clap and listened to some uplifting music. It was lovely to see everyone come together to reflect and the children were all beautifully behaved 🎀

Book Week - Author Workshop 📚

We had a fab time during our author workshop and we loved seeing our friends who have been learning at home too. Steve Webb read us some of his stories - they were quite silly and made us laugh lots! Our favourite was his new book called 'Cows Go Boo!' - it's not even out in the shops yet so we were very lucky to hear this one :) He then read us one called 'Tanka Tanka Skunk' and we had a great time joining in with his clapping and stamping rhythm!!

A Very Special Visitor 🎅

What an exciting day we’ve had! We had a fab time coming to school in our Christmas jumpers and enjoying a yummy Christmas dinner too 🎅🎄 We then enjoyed watching the panto and eating our ice cream treats in the interval! Such a lot of fun had by everyone, all without needing to leave school 😂

We all had a brilliant time in the snow ❄️☃️ Some of us even enjoyed trying to catch the snowflakes on our tongue! We talked about snow being frozen water and watched as it either settled on a surface or disappeared into the wet playground once it landed. It was very chilly though 😂

We all had a fabulous afternoon having lots of fun at our Christmas fair 🎅☃️🎄 We exchanged our money for tokens and got to choose what stall or game we would spend them on. There were lots of prizes to be won when we played spin the wheel, hook-a-duck, guessed where Santa's sleigh was in the night time sky and entered the Christmas colouring competition. We could also use our tokens to choose a lucky dip envelope with a prize inside each one and choose something yummy from the chocolate stall. Finally, we all took home one of our salt dough Christmas tree decorations and an iced Rudolph biscuit. Well done to our winners - Harrison was the closest to Santa's sleigh and Harper & Jax won the colouring competition smiley

We’ve all had a brilliant day dressing up in our Pudsey outfits or our brightest clothes 🐻 We started the day by joining Joe Wicks during the last half hour of his 24 hour PE challenge and then enjoyed making Pudsey masks and doing some Pudsey colouring. We even had 3 winners from the Pudsey raffle! Well done for helping to raise so much money for Children in Need 😄

We had a spook-tacular day dressing up for Halloween! Everyone looked amazing! We even played a little game of pass the parcel too, with some very spooky music 👻😂

We loved singing Big Red Combine Harvester to celebrate Harvest Festival...

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We were really excited to come to school dressed in green & purple for Macmillan. It was great to end our day with a special treat too! 🧁

We have been really busy exploring our new classroom and making friends during our first week at school...

Useful Websites...
