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School Uniform

School Uniform

School Uniform


  • To encourage children to take a pride in their appearance.
  • To create and maintain a sense of identity for the school.
  • For children to wear clothing that is good value for money.
  • For children to wear clothing that is suitable for a days work at school.
  • To eliminate competition over fashion sportswear thus providing equality for all children.
  • To eliminate conflict between parents and their children over what is worn for school.
  • To ensure that school clothing is in line with health and safety regulations.


School Uniform Policy – from 4.9.24

School uniform may be purchased from our dedicated supplier, Sabre Sports on Outram Street, Sutton-in-Ashfield - 01623 512 849. 



Royal blue sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper.

Grey/black, plain school trousers (no leggings) or knee length loose skirt/pinafore.

White/blue polo shirt to be worn under sweatshirt, cardigan or jumper

Plain dark coloured tights.


We will not be accepting jersey type, tube, or pencil skirts. If your child chooses to wear a skirt it will need to be a flared or pleated skirt, just above the knee, no shorter. Please see the suggestions here:

Grey Girls Pleated School Skirt 2 Pack | School | George at ASDA

Girls 2 Pack Grey Flippy School Skirts (4-13yrs) - Matalan


For Warmer Weather:

Smart grey/black plain tailored shorts (no Bermuda, cycling or sports shorts).

White/blue polo shirt.

Blue gingham or striped summer dress.



Plain black leather-type shoes or boots with no heels.

No canvas shoes or no trainers of any type. 

Sturdy strapped sandals with toes covered in black, navy or white. Children do not need to wear socks with their sandals but please adhere to sensible choices.



Each child will need a Dalestorth bookbag to carry their reading books, diaries and homework books (KS2) to and from school each day.

You can order Dalestorth bookbags from Sabre Sports.                               

Each bookbag can have one keyring attached if necessary but no more.

Rucksacks or other bags will not be allowed in school.

We do not allow any Fortnite or Prime merchandise (hats, rucksacks, bags, lunchboxes etc.) in school.



We do not allow any jewellery in school.  Children may only wear studs if their ears are pierced and a sensible watch. No jewellery should be worn for PE or swimming.



Acrylic nails, false nails and nails with gel polish are not allowed in school.



No make-up is allowed in school at all. This includes any tinted moisturisers and clear mascara.



Long hair should be tied back for all activities at school.

Inappropriate hair styling such as dying/shaving are not part of our school uniform and will be challenged.


PE Kit:

In FS2, Year 1 and 2 children will will bring their PE kit to school on the first day of each half term in a Dalestorth Rucksack or any drawstring bag. This will be kept on your child’s peg for the whole half term and then be sent home for a wash over the holidays.

The Dalestorth Rucksacks are available for sale from the office for £5.  


In Years 3,4,5 and 6 children will come to school in their PE kit on the days they have PE.


Please ensure everything is labelled with your child's name. We do not allow branded sportswear with stripes or large logos.  Please see the suitable example below:

Boys Navy School Joggers (3-13yrs) - Matalan


Plain white t-shirt

Black/blue tracksuit top and trousers/shorts/leggings with no logos or stripes

Nike pro shorts will not be accepted

Shorts should be just above the knee, no shorter

No skorts as these could get caught on apparatus

Trainers– Velcro for FS2 to year 2.


If your child comes to school without the correct uniform, they will be asked to change into school owned uniform for the day.


We will remind you by letter if we need any items to be replaced. We would appreciate your support with this as we try and maintain a high level of pride in everything we do.  



Children swim in Key Stage 2. They will need suitable swimming trunks for boys and a one-piece swimming costume for girls, together with a towel and bag. We follow Notts County Council health and safety guidelines during school swimming lessons which specifies that girls are not permitted to wear two-piece costumes and that boys are not allowed to wear swim shorts / beachwear. More details will be given when needed.



Name Labels 

All clothing, particularly royal blue tops should be labelled clearly with the child’s name. It is the parents’ responsibility to ensure that all items of clothing are named. Without this it is difficult for staff to return clothing to the correct children.  


Sandal Examples
