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Maths Intent


At Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School, we aspire to help all our children acquire a love for learning maths and to give them the skills, knowledge, understanding and confidence to be able to explain and apply their mathematical knowledge. 

We believe all children can achieve in mathematics and teach for a secure and deep understanding of mathematical concepts through manageable steps. We view mistakes and misconceptions as an essential part of the learning process. Children will preserver by building on previous knowledge and skills, and apply these to a wide variety of contexts both within maths and across the curriculum. Our children will be appropriately challenged and supported through varied fluency, reasoning and problem-solving tasks. Irrespective of personal starting points, children will explore maths in depth and use a range of mathematical vocabulary to reason and explain. They will spend time becoming true masters of content, applying and being creative with new knowledge in multiple ways. 

We aim for all children to: 


  • Become fluent in the fundamentals of mathematics so that they develop conceptual understanding and the ability to recall and apply knowledge rapidly and accurately. 
  • Be able to solve problems by applying their mathematics to a variety of problems with increasing sophistication, including in unfamiliar contexts and to model real-life scenarios. 
  • Reason mathematically by following a line of enquiry and develop and present justification, argument or proof using mathematical language. 
  • Have an appreciation of number and number operations, which enables mental calculations and written procedures to be performed efficiently, fluently and accurately to be successful in mathematics. 


Lesson Structure


Teachers will use Rosenshine’s Principles of Learning to structure their maths lesson.                

Some steps won’t be relevant to a particular lesson. 


Lesson Part

Rosenshine’s Principles



Daily Recap

Principle 1 – Daily review


Principle 10 – Weekly & monthly review

  • Prior knowledge questions
  • Frequent quizzes – last lesson, last week, last term, last year
  • Recall number of facts including multiplication tables
  • Weekly mental arithmetic tests
  • To provide assessment information
  • To embed learning into long term memory
  • To provide a “thread” from previously learnt material to new learning


Anchor Task

Principle 2 – Present new material in small steps

  • Paired mathematical exploration
  • Paired mathematical discussion
  • Application of previously learnt material
  • True or False – White Rose
  • Power Maths – Discover
  • Collaborative exploration and application of prior learning
  • To develop procedural fluency and independent problem solving

Let’s learn

Principle 2 – Present new material in small steps


Principle 3 – Ask questions


Principle 4 – Provide models

  • Step by step use of worked examples – provide clear instructions
  • Pictorial representations to support understanding – utilising dual coding theory
  • Use Stem sentences 
  • Thinking aloud as a mathematician 
  • Questioning to develop conceptual understanding
  • Pre-empting and addressing misconceptions
  • Explicitly teaching new mathematical language
  • To ease cognitive load
  • To provide clear models and worked examples
  • To provide success criteria
  • To model the use of mathematical vocabulary in context

Guided practice

Principle 5 – Guide student practice


Principle 3 – Ask questions


Principle 6 – Check student understanding


Principle 8 – Scaffold difficult tasks 

  • Paired mathematical discussion
  • Teacher on the move – checking, correcting, reteaching, questioning to assess understanding
  • Teacher identifying children who may require further explicit instruction and guided practice
  • Identifying and addressing misconceptions
  • Identify children who require support
  • Provide scaffolds to enable all learners to succeed
  • Provide children with in the moment feedback
  • To provide children with the understanding needed to work independently 

Independent work

Principle 9 – Independent practice


Principle 6 – Check student understanding


Principle 7 – Obtain high success rates

  • Teacher on the move – monitoring, correcting and reteaching
  • Teacher working with a group who require further instruction
  • Providing scaffolds where needed
  • Provide challenge through complexity of task where appropriate
  • Mastery over learning for automatic retrieval
  • To obtain high success rates
  • To develop children as confident and independent mathematicians


Principle 6 – Check student understanding


Principle 7 – Obtain high success rates

  • Children mark their own work
  • Ask children to explain what they have learned
  • Re-teach material if needed
  • Provide further examples to develop depth of understanding and mastery
  • Provide children with formative feedback
  • To obtain high success rates
  • To ensure children are ready for the next step of their learning








At Dalestorth our Long Term Maths Planning follows the principle of the White Rose Maths Scheme with areas of maths blocked together so that children are taught topics ‘in depth’. For Short Term Planning, staff use a combination of Power Maths and White Rose planning.


KS1 have a daily maths lesson.

The lesson will always start with some counting work, before moving onto a mental starter. There will then be a main teaching input before the children complete challenge activities. The lesson will end with a plenary which may assess the children’s learning from that lesson, introduce a new concept or recap previous learning. The daily lessons will combine a mixture of reasoning and arithmetic activities. Number bonds and tables tests will be given as and when appropriate.

From February, Year 2 will have additional maths lessons in the afternoons. 


KS2 have a daily maths lesson.

The lesson will always start with a mental starter. There will then be a main teaching input before the children complete challenge activities. The lesson will end with a plenary which may assess the children’s learning from that lesson, introduce a new concept or recap previous learning. In KS2 at least one of the maths lessons each week is dedicated to times tables, arithmetic and reasoning practise (see below):


Years 3 and 4

Have one lesson per week, which consists of a tables test, arithmetic test and a reasoning problem solved in their maths books linked to problem of week. This practice will take place during the Autumn Term. From the Spring Term, years 3 and 4 will alternate arithmetic and reasoning tests with times tables tests and reasoning problem of the week continuing.


Year 5 and 6

Have one lesson per week which is a times tables test and arithmetic test, plus reasoning problems solved in books. From January, year 5 will alternate arithmetic and reasoning tests with times tables tests and the extra reasoning problems continuing.


CLIC Maths

Last year, as a school we trailed and loved using CLIC maths; CLIC is an additional 20 minute maths session based on improving children's fluency and calculation skills.


CLIC stands for:



It's Nothing New and



This year each class will have 3 CLIC sessions a week as us and the children loved it so much!



KS2 - 5 in 5 arithmetic

In KS2, we are also using 5 in 5 arithmetic tests to revise and practise the important calculation skills needed for our arithmetic tests. 


Reasoning Explanation – This year, as a school, we are working on reasoning explanations. At times your child may be asked to write an explanation of why they know an answer is correct e.g. I know the missing angle is 65° as the angles of a triangle always add up to 180° and the other 2 angles total 115°. This is something you could do at home when helping with maths homework and/or talking about mahs: ask your child questions like how do you know that is the bigger number? Can you prove your answer is correct? How? etc. 


Problem of the Week - Each half term, all year groups (Years 1 to 6) learn a different heuristic (Act it out, Look for a pattern, Make a list, Guess and check and Work backwards) and apply our knowledge of each heuristic to a problem. 

