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Term Dates

Please find here a link to Nottinghamshire County Council Term Dates for School Holidays and a list of our own School INSET Dates for this year.  All other Calendar Dates, (e.g. School Photographer, Christmas Plays, Parent's Evenings etc.)  you will find on Class Dojo. 



What is an INSET Training Day?

It means the children don't have to come to school, but the rest of the staff do: Teachers, Teaching assistants, Midday Supervisors & Cleaners.


During these days staff have training on important school issues..

-Sometimes it can be about the School Curriculum & what we teach the children.

-Sometimes it can be about improving policies or procedures such as Behaviour.

-Sometimes it can be a legal requirement such as training about Fire, First Aid or Safeguarding.


Our INSET DAYS for this coming year are as follows...


INSET Day 1:

Monday 2nd September 2024



SEF-SIP Summary

Good relationships and behaviour policy

Teaching and learning framework summary

INSET Day 2:

Tuesday 3rd September 2024


Internet safety 

Little Wandle training 

Maths training

INSET Day 3:

Friday 18th October 2024


Appraisal target setting

Relational schools training

INSET Day 4:

Monday 24th February 2025


Oracy training

Appraisal mid-year reviews

INSET Day 5:

Friday 23rd May 2025


Report writing – time in lieu
