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Sports Premium

What is Sports Premium?

Sports Premium is a grant that was introduced by the Government in 2013/2014 to improve the provision of PE and Sports in school.  Schools were awarded an amount dependent on the number of children on roll, and ours has previously been around  £9000.  Schools have to use this money to improve the PE curriculum and extracurricular sport provision, specifically for the needs of their own school. 


In 2017/2018 the funding was substantially increased, due to the 'Sugar Tax' and this has continued in following years. We are expecting to receive approximately £18,500, split into two instalments this year. The government have set out five aspects in which schools need to be considering when they plan for the spending of their funding, to ensure they are working towards increasing activity levels of their pupils. 


  1. The engagement of all pupils in 30 minutes activity a day.
  2. The profile of PE and Sport being raised across the school as a tool for whole school improvement.
  3. Increased confidence, knowledge and skills of all staff teaching PE and Sport.
  4. Broader experiences of a range of sports and activities offered to all pupils.
  5. Increased participation in competitive sports.

Due to the nature of its importance, PE is always a  priority curriculum area on our School Development Plan.  We work hard at ensuring there is good coverage, carefully thought out teaching and progression as well as improving our resources, after-school clubs and our participation in external and internal competitions and festivals.


Below you can see what we have spent our Sports Premium Grant on in the last few years. We have lots of different areas we are working on to continue to improve out PE and sport, while ensuring what we do will still benefit other children in the future.



The DFE website has documents telling you more about the funding and Ofsted provide feedback on very good examples on how schools have used the funding.

Gymnastics Professional Development

Here the children in Year 1 are receiving some excellent gymnastics coaching as part of our continued professional development for staff in PE.
