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FS1 - Nursery - Kittens




We will continue to add things to the website as the year develops, but remember that you can also keep up to date with what your child is up to on Tapestry. Below are some new photos of some of the things we have recently done




The FS1 Team this year

We love doing lots of things in Nursery

Pirate fun!

Tasting porridge just like Goldilocks!

Building a boat for the Gingerbread Man

Look out for more photos to be added as the term goes on.

Some new things for outside, including our new tidy bug hotel.

The bug hotel has been tidied by the Eco Council as part of their care for the school.

They found slugs, snails, woodlice, spiders scuttling everywhere and a couple of spider nests too. They now have some new places to hide as well as 'fresh' leaf mold to keep them happy.

Mrs Redfern was really excited to see that there are bugs living in the house. It's not always easy to tell when the children are busy playing.

We will keep a lookout for evidence of new life such as spiders webs.

We are also excited to announce that there are Spring flowers beginning to blossom in our raised bed. We can see crocus, hyacinth and snowdrops growing. Winter will soon be over and Spring will soon be here.

Reading Champions

Every class has been asked to nominate two Reading Champions.  It was tricky to choose because so many of our children enjoy books and tell great stories, but here are our champions. They have been chosen because they really enjoy sharing stories with other children as well as using great story language when they are retelling familiar stories. They encourage other children to enjoy stories and share books too. Well done!