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Lunchtimes,School Meals & School Dinner Menu

Universal Free Infant School Meals - FS2 - Year 2

 ALL children in FS2, Year 1 and Year 2 are entitled to a free complimentary school meal as part of the Universal Infant Free School Meals (UIFSM) scheme.  You don't need to fill out any forms, your child can just automatically come to school and have a dinner. No need to make pack-ups

saving you money and time. What’s more, the meals are delicious and our cook Mrs Knowles-Brown is fantastic with catering for even the choosiest of little diners. Special dietary needs are also catered for, e.g. wheat intolerance etc.  Just pop into school to discuss any special requirements.


Junior School Meals - Years 3 -6

Once your child is in years 3-6, if they want to continue with school meals, you will need to set up Scopay, it is a cashless payments system. It will provide you with a facility to be able to pay for your child’s school meals online.

Each child will be issued with a registration letter and a guide on how to register an account at the end of Year 2.

Scopay offers you various ways to pay: Credit/Debit Card; Bank Transfer. Transaction fees are payable for the use of a credit card.

Once you have registered and topped up your account your child will be able to have a school meal.

You will be able to view all your transactions including when your child has a meal at school.

The school office will be available with help and support registering your account if you need it.

Scopay also offer a dedicated customer service of which you can access via your  account

under ‘Contact Us’.

To access please click on the link below...

Pupil Premium

If your family receives:

••-Income support

••-Income-based job seekers allowance

••-Support under part VI of the immigration and Asylum Act 1999

••-The guarantee element of state pension credit

••-Child Tax Credit (provided you are not working to tax credit) and have an annual income that does not exceed £16,190 (as assessed by Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs)

…..then you can have FREE SCHOOL MEALS until your child/children leave us at the end of YEAR 6

and FREE SCHOOL MILK until the end of YEAR 2.


In addition, this supports school in a big way. If you are someone who receives one of the above benefits, then simply by registering, you are generating Pupil Premium Funding for your child’s school as well as ensuring Free School Meal/Milk for your child. Pupil Premium Funding amounts to £1,300 for each child registered. School has to spend this money on: teaching assistants to support learning, intervention programmes, low cost extra-curricular clubs, new resources and equipment that completely benefit your children.

If you meet the above criteria…To register, please telephone the free school meals

team 01623 433009 or visit


The information you will need to register your child for continued Free School Meals and Pupil Premium is simply:

••-Personal details (including national insurance number and date of birth)

••-Partner’s personal details and child’s details in full including their date of birth and school name.

If your child is eligible for Pupil Premium/meals/milk the start date will normally be within two days of your registration details being verified.

If you have any questions regarding this, then please come and chat to us.

As a school, we really do make this plea…If you think you qualify for Pupil Premium, please, please register. It not only benefits yourself and your own child, but it gives us the bulk of extra funding that we can use to improve the lives and opportunities of your children at school.


Have a look how we use our Pupil Premium money and the impact it has had in the Pupil Premium section of 'Key Information.'


What's on the menu for lunchtime today?

Click below to view the latest menu.  Our School Cook Mrs Knowles-Brown is fantastic at knowing what the children like and don't like, so if she changes these menus to fit in with the children's tastes, we will let you know...


Dalestorth School Dinner Menu - Autumn/Winter 2024

Food For Life certificate

Dinner Organisation

At Dalestorth we eat dinner in the hall and Dining room.  Everyone has their own allocated table to sit at.  We have two dining sittings. 

Sitting 1 is from 12:15-12:40pm. 

Sitting 2 is from 12:50-1:15pm. 

Younger children eat in the dining room and older children in the hall

Children having hot meals and sandwiches eat together.  They are not separated.  We encourage hot meals especially for children in FS2 to Year 2 who get a complimentary Universal Free meal.  Older children are encouraged to be role models and support the younger children and it works very wellSeating arrangements are reviewed and changed termly.  When not eating, there are always lots of games and activities to play on the playground run by our midday supervisors and playground leaders.  If it is wet, the children will watch films indoors or play games in the classroom.


 Food Policy

Below you can use the link to read our School Food Policy which gives you more information about School Meals, requirements for Healthy Packed Lunches, milk and fruit and all kinds of other information regarding food in school.
