Ellen MacArthur Class — Year 5 — 2023 – 2024
Hello everyone and welcome to our Ellen MacArthur class page.
We are one of three classes in Upper Key Stage 2. In our class there are 30 Year 5 children.
Here you can see what we've been doing and find out about what we're learning.
Miss Kennedy is our teacher on a Monday and a Tuesday.
Mrs Rigby is our teacher on a Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Mrs Hill teaches us on a Wednesday afternoon.
Mrs Meakin and Mrs Vincent help us throughout the day.
Useful Information
PE days are Mondays and Wednesdays.
Your child needs to come into school on their PE days (Mondays and Wednesdays) wearing their outdoor PE kit. Again, please refer to the school website for details of our PE kit.
No jewellery is allowed in PE lessons, so if your child has their ears pierced they will either need to take their earrings out for P.E. or cover them with tape/plasters, provided by yourselves, so that they don’t get caught during the lesson.
Homework in Year 5 is given out each Thursday and is due in the following Tuesday.
Each week your child will receive two pieces of homework: Maths and English. Please ensure that your child does their homework as we will mark this homework together. If your child is struggling with any homework, then please let us know as soon as possible. We are happy to go over homework with individual children. Maths and SPaG guides will be sent home with your child to support their learning at home.
Spellings are given out on a Thursday and your child will be tested on these the following Thursday. The weekly spelling test will have a total of 12 spellings — 10 learnt and 2’unseen’ spellings from previous weeks. Spelling lists are located in the front of your child’s diary and they are uploaded to Spelling Bee (login details are located at the front of your child's diary)
Autumn Term – History Focus
How did World War Two impact the lives of children?
Spring Term – Geography Focus
How would you survive a desert?
Summer Term – Art Focus
How did art influence Mayan Culture?
For more details please see
Each term, you will receive a newsletter telling you more information about each topic as well as Knowledge Organisers. These provide you with ‘Subject Specific Vocabulary’ and ‘Sticky Knowledge’ that your child will be learning throughout the topic.
Year 5 Parent and Carer Tips for Reading
Useful Websites