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Music Intent


At Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School, we teach Music by meeting the requirements of the national curriculum. Our aim is to inspire children to embrace a love of music by introducing them to a variety of musical styles and genres. We encourage their creativity in performing music either instrumentally or by singing. Music is taught progressively throughout school, ensuring a build-up of knowledge and skills. 


In line with the curriculum for music and guidance from Ofsted, the music scheme moves away from the previous levels and learning objective/outcome concepts to an integrated, practical, exploratory and child-led approach to musical learning.


We will achieve high-quality learning by teaching music through a clear sequence of lessons. Each Unit of Work comprises the strands of musical learning which correspond with the national curriculum for music:


1. Listening and Appraising

2. Musical Activities

a. Warm-up Games

b. Optional Flexible Games

c. Singing

d. Playing instruments

e. Improvisation

f. Composition

3. Performing.




Music Teaching Information:



In Foundation Stage, singing, rhymes or other musical activities take place every day, sometimes using Makaton signs and symbols to describe sound. In FS2, there is a 30 minute direct music teaching session and whole class singing as well.



In KS1 there is at least 30 minutes of direct teaching of music as well as the whole school singing assembly each week.



In KS2, there is at least 30 minutes direct teaching each week which includes ukulele teaching for years 3, 4 and 5 in termly rotation, or at least 3 hours each half term if music is delivered as a block. There is a whole school singing assembly each week as well as the opportunity to participate in recorder club and choir.


Ongoing assessment is made of each child using the descriptors for the skills taught in each year group, to inform planning and monitor progress.

Young Voices 2024

After a two year wait, Dalestorth choir returned to Young Voices at Sheffield arena. The children sang and behaved beautifully. It was great to see the smiles on the children's faces as the months of practice payed off. It was great to see the special guest MC Grammar too!


Check out some of the videos below.


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Young Voices 2022!

Choir had to wait a long time, but we finally made it to Sheffield arena! 

We had a brilliant day, starting with a full rehearsal and practising the actions. We had our picnic tea - with a few extra sweet treats! Followed by the real performance to parents. We managed to spot some of them in the crowd! The atmosphere was fantastic and we even managed to stay awake long enough to sing our way home! (well...most of us did!)


Check out some of the short videos below :)


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We did a fantastic job of singing 'Reach Out Your Hand' to raise money for Sign2Sing


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Christmas Concert with Mr Fretwell


What a treat the whole school had with Key Stage 2 performing a number of Christmas songs to help us all get in the festive spirit. The children performed a number of songs including different renditions of Jingle Bells and a wonderful version of Last Christmas by Wham!


Key Stage 2 demonstrated wonderful skills when playing the recorders and ukulele and we were all really impressed with how well they did. 


Thanks to Mr Fretwell for all his hard work in organising the concert.




Christmas Choir Sing-a-long


Thank you to all of you who joined us for the parent sing-a-long. Your vocal contributions made this a lovely, festive occasion. It was clear to see from all of the children’s faces that they were delighted that they had a REAL audience to sing too! The choir has worked hard on performing rounds recently and using makaton to enhance their performance; this was evident in their rendition of Joy to the World and Rudolf the Red Nose Reindeer. Next term we are hoping to learn some musical theatre tracks so look out for our next performance!


End of term Rock Steady Concert


Key Stage One had a super time watching the children who take part in Rock Steady lessons perform in their end of term concert, and what a treat it was. We saw the four different bands perform the instruments and vocals they have been learning this term and we were all super impressed with the skills they have. We are really excited to see how their bands develop as the year progresses. Well done everyone.

End of term music concert

What a treat for the end of term! The year 6 children played the ukelele, Sophia and Mara played recorders, the KS1 sang "The worm song" and "We recycle" song and the choir performed for us. 

See the pictures on the music page.....

Rock Steady Concert 

Years 3 and 4 were treated to a spectacular concert by the children who have been involved with Rock Steady. They only had a few weeks to learn how to play their musical instrument and learn how to play a song as a band. The children were amazing! 

Rock Steady Music Assembly

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Rock Steady Music Assembly

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Listen to the videos of our fantastic choir at the  “Our Voice” community choir summer concert!

Give it all you’ve got

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Lazy days

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Joining hands today

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The body song

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Music Concert Summer 2022 KS2

Music Concert Summer 2022 KS1

Music Concert Summer 2022 F2

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