Welcome to the Leopards Class
We are a group of hard-working, fun-loving, challenge-meeting children. We have made a great start and have a busy year ahead. Please pop back and see what we have been up to.
The teaching team
Leopard Class will be taught by Ms Stafford, Mrs Carter and Mr Rumsby. We have many years of teaching experience between us and are looking forward to a busy and successful year. Year 6 is about 'making-good' on all the children's progress up to this point, as well as growing up in readiness for secondary school.
To the Stars!
Thanks to Mr Jefferies for these great pictures of the moon (Super Moon), which has been very close to earth this week.
Our topic this half-term will be out of this world!
Using Andy Goldsworthy as a starting point we looked at geometric designs, which are a strong feature of his work. We worked on our own piece using tissue paper to infill a design as well as building a class piece.
Rather than collecting items from nature we opted to use recycled materials: CD's pots, lids and other containers to make a geometric pattern. We hope Mr Goldsworthy would approve- it was the wrong time of year to be collecting leaves.
Enterprising AND skilful
The first week back after half-term started with a full on DT challenge- the construction of moving toys.
The Leopards proved themselves to be handy with: saw, nails, hammer, dowel rods, cams, glitter, wood-glue and all manner of other materials.
The finished products looked amazing and went on sale for £3....let us see how much profit we make.
Prayer Workshop with Becka
Tuesday 24th of February started with a series of workshops with Becka. The children had chance to look at prayer in different forms. We had: Tweets, prayer walls, fizzing thoughts, reflections and braiding work. At the end we talked through some of the thoughts and feelings that had been raised.
A very grown up attitude and a thoughtful session, which was enjoyed by all. Thanks to Becka and Mrs Lawrence.
Justice for All!
Wednesday 25th saw the Year 6 visit the Galleries of Justice in Nottingham. We had a great day looking at objects from crime and punishment (both past and present). We held a mock trial in the Juvenile Court Room and they discussed the emotional and real consequences on all those people involved in the crime.
Thanks to Jo and her team for making us welcome and giving us a peak at the Civil Law Court too. Thank you also to the parents who joined us on the trip.
Talent and then some- check out the moves
Great work by all in Leopards for putting together such a great routine. As one child commented ' I wish we had more time on stage'. Well not long to the end of year play. Clare from Sutton Centre was full of praise for the children of Dalestorth, as was the principle of Sutton Centre.
Great work by Emma with her solo performance which kicked things off in style. A big Salute to the four piece of Emma, Saberah, Ellie-Mai and Lucia who also rocked the house.
Well done to all and thanks to all the parents who came along and supported us. Until next time....check out the pictures.
D.A.R.E.- knowledge is power to make positive choices
Mr Cable has done a great job teaching the children the need to make informed choices with regards drugs. A big part of the programme is awareness and having the confidence and knowledge to make good choices. Peer pressure can be a factor and having the strength of character to say 'no' has been discussed. The Y6 children have responded is a mature and thoughtful manner- well done.
DARE graduation is around the corner now. Thanks to Mr Cable for his words of wisdom.
Rocky Monster-an amazing success!
Sunday morning, the week after the Year 6's put on three fantastic performances for school and families and I still have the songs going around in my head.
The buzz and excitement was palpable and the energy that the children put into their performances was incredible. All the hard work really paid off.
Many thanks to staff and friends of Year 6 and Year 5 who came out to support. Below are some pictures from rehearsals and the performance nights.
Job well done!
Jump, Jump, Jump around.....House of Pain/I-Jump
What a blast! The Year 6's celebrated in style. We had the place to ourselves with Jordan Hill adding the pain to the house of pain with a monkey ring hitting him on the eye brow. You can't keep a good man down and he stuck with us for games when we got back to school.
Too many great things to mention....the pictures tell the story
DARE- A great job....again!
Year 6 continue to impress; going from fun and frantic play to serious and thoughtful presentation.
Mr Cable was on hand to give out certificates and witness some excellent dramas looking at the dangers of smoking, solvents, alcohol and cannabis. Added to this was a musical number with a nod of the head to the Grange Hill massive with 'Just Say No!'.