Welcome to the Bobcats class page.
Our class teacher is Miss Layton.
She is helped by Miss Lebeter, Miss Radford, Mrs. Wilson and Miss Cargill. Bobcats work closely with Pumas and Panthers.
Miss Lebeter Miss Radford Mrs. Wilson
Summer Term Learning
Our topics for this term are -
Brilliant bodies
In this topic, we will identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and the functions of these body parts! We will find out about the 5 senses and which part of the body each one of these senses is associated with.
Animal Allsorts
In this topic we will find out about different types of animals that exist in our world and what makes them so special. They will find out how to categorise these animals and to think about where each type of animal might be found.
This term we will be learning to
Find 1 more, 1 less, 10 more, 10 less than any 2-digit number; explore patterns on the 100-square; understand place value in 2-digit numbers and identify 10s and 1s
Use number facts to add and subtract 1-digit numbers to/from 2-digit numbers.
Add three small numbers, spotting pairs to 10 and doubles; add and subtract 10 to and from 2-digit numbers
Compare weights and capacities using direct comparison.
Find half of all numbers to 10 and then to 20; identify even numbers and begin to learn halves; recognise halves and quarters of shapes
recognise, name and know value of coins 1p–£2 and £5 and £10 notes
Locate 2-digit numbers on a beaded line and 100-square; compare and order 2-digit numbers up to 100
Recognise odd and even numbers; count in 2s, 5s and 10s, look for patterns; multiply by 2, 5, 10 by counting in groups/sets; find doubles to double 10 and related halves; halve odd numbers up to 10
Tell the time to the half hour and quarter hour on analogue clocks and begin to read these times on digital clocks;
Begin to recognise and read block graphs; measure lengths using non-standard, uniform units;
Recognise and name simple 2D shapes and continue repeating patterns
For our English work we will be using a variety of fiction, non-fiction and poetry books.
We will be enjoying
‘Superheroes come in All Sizes’ by Ruth Merttens and Anne Holm Peterson
Eliot Jones: Midnight Superhero by Anne Cottringer and Alex Smith,
Superhero ABC by Bob McCleod,
Super Daisy by Kes Gray,
Charlie’s Superhero Underpants by Paul Bright,
Dear Greenpeace by Simon James,
Traditional versions of Cinderella, Snow White and the Three Billy Goats Gruff
Hairy Tales and Nursery Crimes by Michael Rosen
The Dancing Tiger by Malachy Doyle,
Tigress by Nick Dowson, Surprising Sharks by Nicola Davies
Ice Bear by Nicola Davies,
Traditional Poems
Phonics Play
The children will be taught letters and sounds every day for 20 minutes.
www.phonicsplay.co.uk has lots of activities that will help your child secure their phonic knowledge.
Use your child's login details handed out in the first week. See Miss Layton if you are unsure of your username and password.
Please keep your child's PE kit in school. Your children will need a white t shirt, dark shorts, joggers, a jacket and trainers.
Wednesday 19th April 2017 Class Council
During Class council this week we discussed a moral dilemma. We listened to a story about two boys who found some money in the street. We talked about what we should do if we ever were faced with the same situation. We had lots of valid points to make.
Maryam “They have to write a message and send it to the house and then people in the house can be contacted.”
Isabelle “I think they should leave it where they found it because the person who lost it would then come back.”
Darcie “They could knock on the door and see if it’s theirs.”
Phoebe “A robber might have taken a £20 note.”
Jacob “I think they should go around the houses asking who’s money it is.”
Olivia “I think they should write a letter saying “who’s lost some money?”
In the end, we concluded that we should tell an adult who would then contact the police or take it to a shop/supermarket to see if the money could be returned to the right person.