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Year 2 - Panthers

Hello everyone, welcome to our Panther page.

We are one of three classes in Key Stage 1. In our class there are 30 Year 2 children

Here you can see what we've been doing and find out about what we're learning.






Mrs Claxton     and   Mrs  Edwards teach our class.



Miss Lebeter,          Miss Radford,       Mrs Wilson   and  Ms Cargill help us too.

Our topics for the Summer term are -

Brilliant bodies

In this topic, we will identify, name, draw and label the basic parts of the human body and the functions of these body parts! We will find out about the 5 senses and which part of the body each one of these senses is associated with.


Animal Allsorts

In this topic we will find out about different types of animals that exist in our world and what makes them so special. We will find out how to categorise these animals and to think about where each type of animal might be found.

What a wonderful day at Wheelgate!

During Sports week we.......

had fun with the sack race and with skipping ropes.

enjoyed our Annual KS1 football rounders tournament

practised our long distance running.

relaxed with some yoga!

learnt Circus skills with Alex from Circusology.