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Year 3 - Emmeline Pankhurst

Welcome to Year 3 Pankhursts 2021-2022!

We are a busy, fun-loving class of 29 children.

Mrs Tagg is our teacher while Mrs Plumb is on maternity leave.

Miss Bacon works with us every morning.

Mrs Rigby teaches us on a Wednesday.

Mrs Hill teaches us on a Monday afternoon. 

Mrs Hill and Mrs Brace also work with groups during the week.

Miss Penford works with us sometimes, too!

Useful Information & How You Can Help

Our PE days are Tuesdays and Wednesdays - please make sure children come to school in their outdoor PE kit on these days. PE kits should be in school colours (blue, white or black).

Homework will be given out on a Thursday and is due back the following Tuesday. Children will be rewarded with dojos for being 'on time' handing in their homework.

Spelling tests will take place on Wednesdays and new spelling lists will also be given out on Wednesdays. Please encourage your children to learn the words from their weekly lists - these can be found in the 'Spelling Lists' section of the children's blue diaries.

Times tables tests will take place on Fridays. Children must achieve full marks on their times tables tests for two consecutive weeks to pass a table. There are 24 questions on each test (multiplications and divisions) and the children are given 4 minutes to complete it. The order for times tables tests is: 2s, 5s, 10s, 3s, 4s, 8s, 6s, 7s, 9s, 11s, 12s. By the end of Year 3, children should have secured up to and including their 8x tables to achieve the national expectation.

Reading is a priority at Dalestorth. If your child reads a minimum of three times per week and this is evidenced in their blue diaries and signed by a parent, your child will receive a ticket for our weekly ready raffle.

Our topic for Spring Term 2022 is ‘Where would you like to explore?', a geography focussed topic about rivers, mountains and habitats. More information about this topic can be found on the newsletter below. 

Our topic for Summer Term 2022 is 'What kind of artist are you?', an art focussed topic about artists past and present. More information about this topic can be found on the newsletter below.

What we have been up to...

Watch this space for photos and videos!

Newsletters & Information

Useful Website Links
