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The Safeguarding Team

Safeguarding our pupils is paramount at Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School. We have a dedicated team who are trained in dealing with safeguarding concerns.


Designated Safeguard Lead - Mr Robertson

Deputy Safeguard Leads - Miss Radford, Mrs Claxton and Mrs Curran.


Should a parent/ carer have a safeguarding concern, including PREVENT concerns, they should contact one of the above. 


Mrs Jo Wain is our Safeguarding Governor who has overall responsibility for safeguarding issues. 

Please click the link below for the first edition of our safeguarding newsletter (Spring 2024).

We have packed it full of information about how we can all keep your children safe.


If you have any questions, please let us know.


Safeguarding Newsletter - Spring 2024




Useful Documents

Please click on the following link for all safeguarding policies and documents. 

Other useful contacts:


Nottinghamshire Multi-Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH):

If you think a child is at risk of abuse, you can contact MASH on 0300 500 80 80

Further information can be found at:



Childline can be contacted on 0800 1111 or online. Whatever your worry, they can support you.



Offers advice and help for parents and carers on a range of issues. NSPCC can be contacted on

0808 800 5000


Women's Aid:

Women's Aid provides help and support about domestic abuse against women and children.

Tel: 08457 023 478


Change Grow Live (CGL):

CGL can offer advice about a range of issues such as alcohol, drugs, health and wellbeing and mental health.
