In Tiger Class our teacher is Mrs Bailey and our teaching assistant is Mrs Hickman. We work closely with Miss Jesson and Mrs Smith from Lion Class. Mrs Smith will teach us on a Wednesday morning and Miss Lebeter will be in all day on Wednesday supporting Lion Class.
Mrs Bailey Mrs Hickman Mrs Smith Miss Jesson Miss Lebeter
We are also lucky to have lots of support from childcare students throughout the week.
Autumn 1- all about me
Autumn 2 - colour and light
Spring 1 - once upon a time...
Spring 2 - dinosaurs and monsters
Summer 1 - changes and growing
Summer 2 - transport and travelling
We had a fantastic first week in Tigers, the children settled really well. They all know where to find their pegs and trays and did a fantastic job in the dining hall.
We have now completed our first full week at school and Tigers class won the trophy for 100% attendance, well done Tigers! We have had quite a few tired faces but the staff are very proud of how well all the children have settled and how hard they are working.
We found out that our snail likes banana! At snack time we shared our fruit with the snail, it was eating it out of Mrs Bailey's hand. We all had chance to have a good look.
Joshua said "if you hold it you will be there all week!"
Zoey said "make sure he doesn't eat your thumb!"
Archie said "urgh! He's slimey, I'll call him slimey"
This week we are learning about our senses. We talked about what our senses are, we weren't too sure about our tongue to start with, we all said licking! Eventually when Mrs Bailey asked how do we know if we like apples in snack time, Lincoln said because it tastes nice! Then we realised our tongues are to taste! We know there is lots to see in our classroom. We taste lots of things at snack time and dinner. We hear lots of different noises in class too. This week we have been making textured pictures on the creative table, using paint mixed with sand! We have also had different smells in the water, Archie said ooooh it's minty and Lawson said it smells like toothpaste! We love exploring our senses!
We do dough disco using play-doh we bought with your donated money and we LOVE IT! It helps our fine motor skills so we can go on to be super writers. We do lots of rolling, pinching, patting and squeezing.
We have been very busy for enterprise week! We have been making lots of things to sell. We have plaited cotton to make friendship bracelets, made chocolate fridge buns and pizzas!
WOW! Science week has been so much fun! We have done so many exciting things!!
Our class room turned science themed for the week. We had; floating and sinking objects in the water, animals in the sand, magnets on the funky fingers table and lots of wonderful natural resources to explore in the tuffspot (thank you for your donations!). We also had lots of discussions on what scientists are and what they do. We watched a video on planets which we really enjoyed and when we went outside the sky was a funny colour and the sun had turned red! Some of the children thought it was Mercury or Mars! We also looked at non-fiction books and read a little about volcanoes and lightening. Mrs Bailey then rubbed a balloon on Nancy's hair to make it static, then the balloon stuck to the ceiling!
We have also done lots of experiments! We watched colour spread from skittles using warm water, we loved how it looked like a rainbow! When we mixed the colours the water went orangey-brown so we had a good talk about why that might have happened. We then put food colouring in a bowl of milk and added drops of washing up liquid, the food colouring shot to the sides of the bowl. We had hoped something a bit more exciting would happen but unfortunately in science, experiments don't always work!! So then we went outside and made an explosion with diet coke and mentos! It was brilliant, Mrs Bailey made us do a countdown and then put the mints in as fast as she could and then ran away as the coke exploded everywhere!! It was so good we asked to do it again!
After all that excitement we still had more to do! We had a lovely visit from two ladies from the RSPB. They read us a story about a hedgehog who went outside for the first time and explored using his senses. Then we went outside and explored using ours! We had to look for as many different colours as we could, listen carefully to birds cheeping in the hedgerows and feel the roughness of the trees. We then took all our natural resources back inside and made a beautiful flower picture all together. We got a sticker for our efforts and we got to take the bags home to go exploring at home too!
We have had such a great time doing science week that we think next half term we might turn our role play area into a science lab to continue the fun!
We have had lots of fun during humanities week. On geography day we explored our world, we looked at the globe and discussed lots of different countries. We had different animals out in the provision so we looked at which countries they may have come from. We also did lots of activities based around Chinese New Year so we found China on the world map. We also had a go at drawing maps of our local area. This linked in nicely with our fantastic trip to the Tesco bakery! We all dressed up in red white or blue for French day (which was also Shrove Tuesday so we got to enjoy some tasty pancakes too!). We looked at France on the world map and learned some French words including bonjour, au revoir and counting to 10. To finish the week off we had history day. We explored lots of Victorian toys, marbles were our favourite!