Rise and Shine!
For Main School, (FS2 - Year 6) school can start at 7:45am.
Come and join us for cereal, cereal bars, yogurts & juice, followed by games and activities. No need to book, just come along....
7:45am - Daily. Cost :£3.50 a day.
Latest entry to Breakfast Club is 8:15am.
The Foundation Stage Day - Nursery (30 hours in total)
08:30 - 09:15 Doors open, children self-register on their group carpet,
write their names on a white board with parents and settle
into an activity.
09:15 - 09:30 Outdoor open for free flow indoors and outdoors
10:00 - 10:05 Tidy time
10.05 - 10:20 Snack time
10.20 - 10:35 Group time
10.35 - 11:05 Outdoor play
11.05 - 11:10 Tidy time outside
11.10 - 11:20 Story/singing time
11.20 Doors open for parents to begin to collect children
11.30 Doors close - end of Nursery session
Afternoon: Same time frame as morning (12.30—3.30)
Children who are eligible for 30 Hours Childcare and who are offered a place will enjoy both sessions with the flexibility of staying over the lunch time period. The supervision of this is chargeable and children are required to bring a packed lunch.
Foundation Stage – Reception – Main School (32.5 hours)
FS2—Farah & Bolt
8.40 Children arrive at school
8.40-8.55 Register and morning activities
8.55-9.10 Dough Disco
9.10-9.30 Letters and Sounds Phonics groups
9.30-9.45 Literacy input / Squiggle
9.45-10.30 Adult-led & child-initiated activities
10.30-10.50 Milk and fruit
10.50-11.30 Adult-led & child-initiated activities
11.30-12.00 Guided reading groups and singing/story whilst toilet and handwashing
12.00-13.15 Lunchtime
13.15-13.35 Register and Maths input
13.35-14.40 Adult-led and child-initiated activities
14.40-14.50 Big tidy up
14.50-15.00 Topic input (PSHE, UW, Music, RE)
15.00-15.10 Story time and getting ready for home time
For more information about the Foundation Stage, please see the Foundation Stage Policy and Handbook by using the following link
Key Stage 1: - Main School (32.5 hours)
Lovelace, Hadid & Curie (Year 1 & 2)
Session times
08:50 School Day Begins
08:50 - 09:10 Registration and Social Interaction
09:10 - 09:30 Guided Reading
09:30 - 10:30 Lesson 1 – English/Maths
10:30 - 10:50 Assembly
10:50 - 11:10 Break
11:15 - 12:00 Lesson 2 – English/Maths
12:00 - 13:15 Lunch
13:15 - 13:20 Registration
13:20 - 15:20 Afternoon Lessons (incl. letters and
sounds and physical development session)
15:20 End of School
Key Stage 2: - Main School (32.5 hours)
Pankhurst, King, Frank, MacArthur, Shackleton & Attenborough (Years 3-6)
08:50 School Day Begins
08:50 - 09:00 Registration
09:00 - 09:30 Guided Reading
09:30 - 10:30 Lesson 1-English/Maths
10:30 - 10:50 Assembly
10:50 - 11:10 Break
11:15 - 12:15 Lesson 2 – Maths/English
12:15 - 13:15 Lunch
13:15 - 13:20 Registration
13:20 - 15:20 Afternoon Lessons
15:20 End of School
Now the fun starts....
After a hard day's work at school, come and enjoy one of our many after-school clubs/activities.
There are always a range on offer every day of the week - 3.30-4.30pm.
Have a look at our clubs and extra-curricular activities page to see what is currently on offer..
Clubs and activities change every half term.