Mrs Rigby & Mrs Gilbert are delighted to welcome you to our Lynx class page!
Mondays- Homework day! We will set homework each Wednesday & would be grateful if it could be returned by the following Monday. Feel free to bring it in earlier if you are eager to complete it!
Wednesdays & Fridays- Don't forget your PE kit! On Wednesdays, we hope to be outside most weeks, so you may choose to bring in tracksuit bottoms or a hooded top. On Fridays, we'll often be doing indoor PE, including dance and gymnastics.
Our topics this year will be:
Autumn Term
Autumn 1 – Set in Stone – History focusing on the Stone Age
Autumn 2 – Romans – History focusing on the Romans
Spring Term
Spring 1 – What’s the Attraction? – Science focusing on magnets
Spring 2 – Shake, Rock and Roll – Science focusing on rocks and soil
Summer Term
Summer 1 – Why are Humans Animals too? – Science focusing on animals
Summer 2 – Shadow Dancers – Science focusing on light and shadows
According to Callum Watson in our class 'they have taken the world by storm'......and he's right!
As part of our Class Council session today, we looked at stories hitting the headlines this week on the Newsround website & the Hatchimals shortage was right up there.
Firstly, we talked about the 'Gentoo' penguins that are moving all the way from Denmark to the Birmingham Sea Life Centre! Several of the children said they'd been lucky enough to have been there!
It seems many of the children in Lynx have a Hatchimal on their Christmas list & almost all of them knew what they were & how they worked! They also knew how hard they are to get hold of! Thankfully, they came up with 'alternatives' including 'shopkins, amiibos & wetsuits'.
The children came up with a variety of places we could try to find Hatchimals now that the shops are sold out. They suggested 'ebay, gumtree and amazon'. We looked at ebay & the highest priced Hatchimal was on sale for £4000! I hope Santa is feeling rich this year!
The children felt that ebay sellers were trying to make a PROFIT. They also felt that the reasons they were out of stock were due to a HIGH DEMAND, POPULARITY, SPECIAL, NEW, INTERESTING & UNIQUE- some fantastic new vocabulary for their new vocab books!