Below you will find weekly learning packs which will provide you with a range of learning activities for the week ahead.
Don't forget to upload the set piece of work on to seesaw for me to see as well as complete the tasks from Purple Mash.
Week 1
We are using Seesaw, which is a secure online digital learning platform, to accompany our new home learning projects which will be available each Monday.
Below are video guides to show you: how to set up an account; how to upload work to Seesaw and how to comment on a child's piece of work. There is also a written guide below.
Check out this weeks websites for some fun ideas.
Below you will find a range of websites to support your child in their learning from home. All sites are suitable for both year 5 and year 6 children.
We will update these weekly to provide variety and support a range of topics.
Mrs Holt, Mr Thorne and Mrs Curran (Year 5/6 team)
Mrs Hill teaches us on Monday afternoons.
Mrs Blake supports us in English and Maths.
Useful information:
PE is on a Tuesday and Wednesday.
Homework is given out on a Thursday and should be brought back in on the following Tuesday. Homework will be both English and Maths.
Timestable quizzes will happen on a Monday with Mrs Hill.
Spelling tests will happen on a Tuesday. This will include the spelling list of 10 words plus 5 other 'blind' words.
Please aim to read at least three times a week. Reading diaries will be checked regularly on a Monday morning with raffle tickets being given to those who achieved this.
Class News!
Welcome to the start of an exciting adventure in year five. I hope you all had a wonderful summer and are now ready to get started for the year ahead. Please see below for a quick outline of the topics we will be covering this academic year.
Autumn 1: Fever, Fire and Fashion (History focussing on the plague) - trip to Eyam Plague Village.
Autumn 2: Battle of Britain (History focussing on WWII) - trip to the Holocaust Centre
Spring Term: Would you go on an adventure with Shackleton?
(Geography and Science focussing friction and forces)
We will also be having our residential for years 5 and 6 in the summer term. More information to follow.
We spent time discovering about the Aztecs as a civilisation, what they did and what they are famous for. As a class we then had a choice to create a range of Aztec inspired art. Amazing.
On Tuesday 12th November, we had an amazing time reimagining a day in the life of children during World War Two. We experienced air raid sirens, looked at propaganda posters, shared a meal together, supported each other, created a timeline of events throughout the war and took part in some military drills. Amazing day!
We had such an amazing time in Cheetahs for our science day. In the morning we investigated the amount of sugar in drinks, actively worked out the circulatory system including the chambers of the heart and oxygenated / deoxygenated blood followed by carrying out an investigation into the effect of exercise on mental health and well-being. In the afternoon we rotated round in a year 5/6 team and did experiments such as: tornado in a jar, exploding bags or unpoppable bubbles. Amazing!
Please follow the three links to complete the online survey about anti bullying.
Fortunately, The Milk - Neil Gaiman
What a Waste - Jess French
The Wolves of Willoughby Chase - Joan Aiken