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SEND & Local Offer

SEND Intent


At Dalestorth Primary and Nursery School, we value every individual child equally. We strive to ensure that our children with SEND (diagnosed, suspected or vulnerable) are able to access every aspect of the curriculum due to effective quality first teaching. We operate under and meet the requirement of the Code of Practice and other relevant government legislation.


Teaching is designed to take into account the individual starting points of our children and build upon these accordingly. Targets for children with SEND are broken down into small steps so that we can see and celebrate progress. Intervention groups may be used to help children make additional progress.


Our children with SEND are always offered equal opportunity to participate in school enrichment, such as attending school trips and after school clubs. We teach the importance of uniqueness, compassion and respect to all our children and model these values consistently as a staff team.


We want our children with SEND to be happy, confident and independent young people that feel as though they are valued at school and that they belong to the school community.

Our School Special Needs Co-Ordinator (SENCO) is Mrs Plumb. If you wish to speak to her, please e-mail the school office at with the subject 'FAO SENCO' so that your e-mail can be directed correctly.


Useful Information/Links/Resources

Interventions Offered At Dalestorth
