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I have just made a visit to school this morning and wow! The new paths with the lighting look spectacular.  The path to the main gate on Hill Crescent has been widened, but not only that, Mr Price and Mr Keeling (Ellis's Dad in Year 5) have also been busy working round the clock this week to lay an additional path to the gate by the park which will create another access to school.  With only the two of them working in difficult weather this week, I cannot thank them enough for their hard work.  They have saved the school thousands and not only that, we would not have been able to afford to have this done if it wasn't for Mr Price and Mr Keeling.  The path will be a lovely walk down to school which will be well lit in the dark and there are further plans to enhance it with shrubs and flowers.  I hope everyone will be as delighted as I am and join me in heartfelt thanks to Mr Price and Mr Keeling.    