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Anti-Bullying Week & Day

One of our themed weeks this week has been anti-Bullying week, linking to our PSHE/SMSC theme for November of 'Relationships.'  Today we had our Anti-Bullying Day.  The theme this year for 2018 is #Choose Respect.  We marked the day with 'being unique in how we wanted to dress and respecting one another's choices and differences.'

All classes were given an anti-bully gifts of wrist bands, badges or pencils and have taken part in some anti-bullying activities this afternoon with their classes.

We have had some great assemblies this week on friendship and anti-bullying on e of which involved a short clip on random acts of kindness which you can view at

For more information on what the children have got up to during Anti-Bullying week, please look at the SMSC/PSHE section of the website under 'Curriculum'- Key Information or have a look at your child's class page.  Here you will be able to see what they talked about in class council under the theme of bullying.  Please encourage and support your child to complete our annual Anti-Bullying questionnaire. We are committed to making improvements and ensuring all children love and feel safe and happy at school.

